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Publications In The Last 5 Years
- Gorbach PM, Mensch B Husnik M Coly A, Young A, Mâsse B. Makanani B, Nkhoma C, Chinula L, Tembo T, Mierzwa S, Reynolds K, Hurst S, Coletti A, Forsyth A, 1The Microbicide Trials Network. Effect of computer-assisted interviewing on self-reported sexual behavior data in a microbicide clinical trial. AIDS and Behavior, in review
- Murphy RD, Gorbach PM, Weiss RE, Hucks-Ortiz C, Shoptaw SJ. Seroadaptation in a Sample of Very Poor Los Angeles Area Men Who Have Sex with Men. AIDS and Behavior, in press accepted April 2012.
- Gorbach PM, Weiss RE, Fuchs E, Jeffries R, Hezerah M, Brown S, Voskanian A, Robbie R, Anton P, Cranston RD. The Slippery Slope: Lubricant Use and Rectal Sexually Transmitted Infections: A Newly Identified Risk Sex Trans Dis, 39(1): 59-64, January 2012. PMCID: PMC3244680
- Hess KL, Gorbach PM, Weiss R. Intimate Partner Violence and Sexually Transmitted Infections among Young Adult Women. Sex Transm Dis, in press.
- Burrell E, Pines H, Robbie E, Colemon L, Murphy R, Hess K, Anton P, Gorbach P. Use of GRINDR as a Recruitment Tool in Rectal Microbicide Development Research. submitted December 2011.
- Hess KL, Gorbach PM Manhart LE, Stoner BP, Martin DH, Holmes KK. Risk behaviors by type of concurrency among young people in three US STD clinics. Sexual Health, in press Jan 2012.
- Cranston RD, Murphy R, Weiss RE, Da Costa M, Palefsky J, Shoptaw S, Gorbach PM. Anal Human Papillomavirus Infection in a Street Based Sample of Drug Using HIV-positive Men. International Journal of STD and AIDS, in press August 2011.
- Punpanich W, Gorbach PM, Detels R. Impact of paediatric human immunodeficiency virus infection on children’s and caregivers’ daily functioning and well-being: a qualitative study. Child Care Health Dev. 2011 Aug 19. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2214.2011.
- Gorbach PM, Weiss RE; Jeffries R; Javanbakht M, Drumright LN, Daar ES, Little SJ. Behaviors of recently HIV-infected men who have sex with men in the year post-diagnosis: effects of drug use and partner types. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2011 Feb 1;56(2):176-182.. PMID: 21119524. PMCID: PMC3023009
- Ober AJ, Iguchi MY, Weiss RE, Gorbach PM, Heimer R, Ouellet LJ, Shoptaw S, Anglin MD, Zule WA. The Relative Role of Perceived Partner Risks in Promoting Condom Use in a Three-City Sample of High-Risk, Low-Income Women. AIDS Behav. 2010 Oct 26. PMID: 20976538
- Golub SA, Operario D, Gorbach PM. Pre-exposure Prophylaxis State of the Science: Empirical Analogies for Research and Implementation. Curr HIV/AIDS Rep. 2010 Sep 1. PMID: 20809218. PMC2938422.
- Kwena ZA, Bukusi E A, Gorbach P, Sharma A, Sang NM, Holmes KK. Genital hygiene practices of fishermen targeted for a topical microbicide intervention against sexually transmitted infections in Kisumu, Kenya. International Journal of STD & AIDS 2010; 21: 435–440. PMID: 20606226
- Javanbakht M, Murphy R, Gorbach PM, LeBlanc M, Pickett J. Preference and Practices Relating to Lubricant Use During Anal Intercourse: Implications for Rectal Microbicides. Sexual Health, Sex Health. 2010 Jun;7(2):193-8. PMID: 20465986
- McCree DH, Daley E, Gorbach PM, Hamm R, Sharpe PA, McFarlane M, and Behavioral Interventions and Research Branch (BIRB), CDC, HPV Formative Research Team. Awareness of Diagnosis and Knowledge of HPV in Women Patients: Data from a Multi-site Study. American Journal of Health Education. In press.
- Young SD, Shoptaw S, Weiss RE, Munjas B, Gorbach PM. Predictors of Unrecognized HIV Infection Among Poor and Ethnic Men Who Have Sex with Men in Los Angeles. AIDS Behav, AIDS Behav. 2009 Dec 31 [epub]. PMID: 20043200
- Javanbakht M, Guerry S, Gorbach PM, Stirland A, Chien M, Anton P, Kerndt PR. Prevalence and Correlates of Heterosexual Anal Intercourse Among Clients Attending Public Sexually Transmitted Disease Clinics in Los Angeles County. Sex Transm Dis. Sex Transm Dis. 2010 Jun;37(6):369-76. PMID: 20514690
- Gorbach PM, Murphy R, Weiss RE, Hucks-Ortiz C, Shoptaw S. Bridging Sexual Boundaries: Men Who Have Sex with Men and Women in a Street Based Sample in Los Angeles. J Urban H 2009 Jul;86 Suppl 1:63-76. Epub 2009 Jun 19. PMC2705489
- Iguchi MY, Ober AJ, Berry SH, Fain T, Heckathorn DD, Gorbach PM, Heimer R, Kozlov A, Ouellet LJ, Shoptaw S, Zule WA. Simultaneous recruitment of drug users and men who have sex with men in the United States and Russia using respondent-driven sampling: sampling methods and implications. Journal of Urban Health. 2009;86 Suppl 1:5-3. PMC2705484
- Shoptaw S, Weiss RE, Munjas B, Hucks-Ortiz C, Young SD, Larkins S, Victorianne GD, Gorbach PM. Homonegativity, substance use, sexual risk behaviors, and HIV status in poor and ethnic men who have sex with men in Los Angeles. Journal of Urban Health. 2009;86 Suppl 1:77-92. PMC2705491
- Javanbakht M, Gorbach PM, Amani B, Walker S, Cranston R, Datta DS, Kerndt PR. Concurrency, Sex Partner Risk, and High Risk Human Papillomavirus Infection among African American, Asian, and Hispanic Women, STD 2009 Oct 9. PMID: 19823110
- Gorbach PM Manhart LE, Hess KL, Stoner BP, Martin DH, Holmes KK. Anal Intercourse among Young Heterosexuals in Three US STD Clinics. Sex Transm Dis, 2009 April, 36(4):193-198. PMID: 19265740
- Ober A, Shoptaw S, Wang PC, Gorbach PM, Weiss RE. Factors Associated with Event-Level Stimulant Use during Sex In a Sample of Older, Low-Income Men Who Have Sex with Men in Los Angeles. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 2009 Jun 1;102(1-3):123-9. Epub 2009 Mar 26. PMID: 19327917. PMC2751657
- Coly A and Gorbach PM. Microbicide Acceptability Research: Recent Findings and Context Evolution. Current Opinion in HIV and AIDS; Oct 2008, Vol. 3, No. 5: 581-586.
- Punpanich W, Detels R, Gorbach PM, Leowsrisook P. Understanding the psychosocial needs of HIV-infected children and families: a qualitative study. J Med Assoc Thai. 2008 Oct;91 Suppl 3:S76-84. PMID: 19253500. PMC2942078.
- Gorbach PM, Drumright LN, Javanbakht M, Pond SLK, Woelk CH, Daar ES, Little SJ. Antiretroviral drug resistance and risk behavior among recently HIV-infected men who have sex with men (MSM). J Acquir Immune Defic Synd, 2008 Apr 15;47(5):639-643.
- Sharma A, Bukusi E, Gorbach, P, Cohen CR, Muga C, Kwena Z1, Holmes KK . Sexual Identity and risk of HIV/STI among men who have sex with men in Nairobi. Sex Trans Dis, April 2008, Vol. 35, No. 4, p.352–354.
- Nelson SJ, Manhart LE, Gorbach PM, Martin DH, Stoner BP, Aral SO, Holmes KK. Measuring sex partner concurrency: it’s what’s missing that counts. Sex Transm Dis 2007, Oct;34(10):801-7.
- Drumright LN, Gorbach PM, Little SJ, Strathdee SA. Associations between Substance Use, Erectile Dysfunction Medication and Recent HIV Infection among Men Who have Sex with Men. AIDS and Behavior, 2007 Dec 7.
- King WD, Larkins S, Hucks-Ortiz C, Wang J, Gorbach P, Veniegas R, Shoptaw S. Factors Associated with HIV Viral Load in a Respondent Driven Sample in Los Angeles, AIDS and Behavior, 2007 Dec 7. PMC2649661
- Menza, TW; Colfax, G; Shoptaw, S; Fleming, M; Guzman, R; Klausner, JD; Gorbach, P; Golden, MR. Interest in a Methamphetamine Intervention Among Men Who Have Sex With Men. Sex Trans Dis, 2007, 34 (4):209-214.
- Drumright LN, Strathdee SA, Little SJ, Slymen DJ, Araneta MRG, Malcarne VL, Daar ES, Gorbach PM. Unprotected anal intercourse and substance use before and after HIV diagnosis among recently HIV infected men who have sex with men. Sex Trans Dis, 2007. Jun;34(6):401-7.